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Henkel Adhesives Technologies Publishes Method for Sustainability Assessments

October 5, 2023

Henkel Adhesive Technologies aims towards sustainability based on its Sustainability Ambition 2030. Besides optimizing its own footprint in operations and sourcing low emission raw materials, the business unit works to lead through technology and drive impact with its diverse product portfolio.

Henkel Adhesive Technologies has developed an internal assessment methodology to create transparency on the sustainability performance of its product portfolio. The results of the assessment are integrated into all business strategies, as well as portfolio management and customer engagement.

The latest assessment was conducted in the first half of 2023 and has been audited by an external third party with limited assurance. To ensure a sufficient coverage of the portfolio, the internal methodology prescribes covering commercial products representing at least 80% of net sales, including full coverage of Challenged1 products . With a coverage of 88% of net sales value from Adhesive Technologies in 2021 and 2022 respectively this threshold has been exceeded.

“Assessing the sustainability contributions of our products as baseline for our strategic steering is an important backbone for transforming our portfolio towards positive impact in the areas of climate, circularity, safety, and nature. The external audit is a strong confirmation of the approach we took to establish a systematic framework which is based on consistent criteria and supporting proof documents,” said Ulla Hüppe, global head of Sustainability, Henkel Adhesive Technologies. “The results of the assessment create a clear understanding about the contribution and performance of each product and help to anchor sustainability as integral part of our business strategy. In addition, it provides even more transparency for our customers and supports the transformation towards new solutions enabling emission reduction and circularity.”

The focus of the assessment lies on identifying and mapping those products within the portfolio that have a significant contribution to sustainability. The criteria cover the entire value chain and consider impacts along all scopes, covering not only the footprint of Adhesive Technologies’ own operations and raw material use, but also how customers can drive their sustainability agendas along four key dimensions including, using low-emission raw materials, recycling, advancing the chemical safety of solutions, and enabling the preservation and protection of environmental resources. 

To learn more, visit www.henkel.com.

 1 Challenged: Product containing Negatively Flagged Chemicals as defined at a concentration higher than 0.1%. Products labelled as Challenged will not be eligible for any other sustainable flagging, regardless of the application or market served by that product.