
DEK Announces Representative Changes In Key Regions

February 2, 2004
DEK has announced representative changes in its Pacific Northwest and Southern California regions. DEK's offerings have expanded over the last two years, and this growth has resulted in the need for a change in representation in select regions. In the Pacific Northwest, DEK will now be represented by Systems Specialists, Inc. The 27-year-old organization will represent DEK in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Competitive Edge Manufacturing Equipment (CEME) is the new DEK representative in the Southern California counties of San Luis Obispo, Kern, San Bernadino, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial, as well as in Baja, Mexico. Commenting on their new agreement with DEK, Competitive Edge's president, Jeff Kline, said, "DEK has been and will continue to be the market leader in materials deposition technology. We are very proud to add them to our line of best-in-class principals and look forward to a long and successful relationship."

For more information, visit http://www.dek.com .