Chemidex Names Williams V.P. Of Sales
February 2, 2004
Chemidex Inc. has named Jerry Williams, former VP-Corporate Business/Account Development at CHEMCENTRAL, as its vice president of sales. Bruce Ianni, founder and CEO of Chemidex, said, "Jerry is perfectly matched to the challenge of leading our global sales effort and helping Chemidex expand its responsiveness to the information needs of the chemical industry. His 21 years in chemical industry sales and leadership in CHEMCENTRAL's comprehensive eBusiness initiative give him an amazing perspective of the on-line information needs in the industry." Prior to assuming his last position with CHEMCENTRAL, Williams spent two years heading eFodia, an eCommerce joint venture between CHEMCENTRAL and Holland Chemical International. He was appointed to that role after spending 17 years in sales management at CHEMCENTRAL, heading local, regional, and national sales operations. Williams, who received a B.A. in Business Administration from Hanover College, resides in Glen Ellyn, IL.
More more information, visit http://www.chemidex.com .