SOCMA to Release Interactive Responsible Care® CD-ROM
October 9, 2000
WASHINGTON — The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA) recently released its Responsible Care® Initiative: Interactive CD-ROM Package. The package includes SOCMA’s Responsible Care® guides for each of the six Codes of Management Practices, over 300 customizable tools, indexes, search capabilities and a self-evaluation tracking database system for each of the codes.
The package was developed in a partnership with Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. To order, contact Kendall/Hunt customer service at 800-228-0810, or visit the Web site at www.kendallhunt.com. For more information on SOCMA’s Respon-sible Care® and performance-improvement initiatives, call 202-721-4100, or visit the Web site at www.socma.com.