ASC Education Foundation Announces Fundamentals Of Adhesion Short Course
September 26, 2005
The Adhesive and Sealant Council's Education Foundation (ASCEF) has announced its updated Fundamentals of Adhesion Short Course scheduled for November 9-10, 2005, in Atlanta, GA, at the Renaissance Concourse Hotel. This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the principles of adhesion science. Led by professors from the Center for Adhesive and Sealant Science (CASS) at Virginia Tech, this two-day short course will allow attendees to learn about various topics, including: basic stress distributions in important bonded-joint families; advantages and disadvantages of different test geometries; prediction of long-term performance through short-term tests; environmental factors and their effect on adhesive durability; principles of surface chemistry and how they apply to adhesive bonding; and surface analysis techniques. This course is designed for entry-level chemists, application engineers, sales and marketing professionals, and other technical personnel employed by adhesive companies, raw material and equipment suppliers, and end users.
For more information, visit www.ascouncil.org.