EDITOR'S MEMO: It is Easy Being Green
The series of web seminars, Green Adhesives and Green Buildings, kicks off on May 10 with Dr. Marilyn Black, founder and CEO of Air Quality Sciences. The bulk of her presentation, "Growth of Green Building Offers Opportunities for Adhesive Manufacturers," will focus on VOCs, indoor air quality and adhesives.
On June 7, Mark Petruzzi, VP of Certification at Green Seal Inc., will present "GreenSeal and Environmental Claims Certification," including the G36 standards for commercially applied adhesives.
Helen English, executive director of the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC), will talk about "Green Building Guidelines" on June 14.
On June 21, Kirsten Ritchie, Environmental Claims Certification director at Scientific Certification Systems, will examine "Developing Standards for Adhesives and Sealants."
We hope that you will join us for these valuable seminars. For more information, or to register, visit http://www.ascouncil.org . Please keep in mind that if you are unable to attend any of the installments, recordings of each seminar will be available as well. Please contact me or visit our website at http://www.adhesivesmag.com for details.
We are constantly updating our web seminar offerings; if you have a topic you'd like to suggest, or if you are interested in presenting at a seminar, please contact me by e-mail to events@adhesivesmag.com .