

May 1, 2007
FLEXcon taps windows of opportunity with perforated-vinyl graphics.

Multi-panel window graphic promotes FLEXcon products and the company’s 50th anniversary while enhancing conference room privacy through use of FLEXcon seeTHRU-sign window perf product.

A large, four-panel see-through window graphic installed inside FLEXcon’s Spencer, MA, headquarters builds awareness of product capabilities and company innovation while offering practical benefits. Employees and visitors to the company, a manufacturer of pressure-sensitive film and adhesive products, are exposed to this prime example of a dual application opportunity.

Beyond highlighting FLEXcon products and applications, the use of its seeTHRU-sign perforated vinyl film product on these four large interior windows provides enhanced privacy for presentations in the conference room, yet still allows attendees to see out to the main lobby. The graphic depicts use of the company’s products in a range of applications through five decades, and celebrates the company’s 50th year with a special logo and photo of FLEXcon’s original plant.

The dynamic graphic display was designed, printed (via solvent inkjet on an HP Turbojet printer) and installed by Philadelphia-based Burton Imaging Group.  The installation was completed in 2006.

For more information, contact FLEXcon Co. Inc., FLEXcon Industrial Park, Spencer, MA 01562; phone (508) 885-1532; fax (508) 885-8289; or visit www.FLEXcon.com.
