New Products (Week of 10/8/07)
October 8, 2007
Dow Polyurethanes, a business group of The Dow Chemical Co., has launched a new, fully integrated global website at www.dowpolyurethanes.com. Designed to make it easier for customers to access the full breadth of Dow’s portfolio and applications expertise in polyurethanes, the website allows customers to search either by application or product, and offers Dow’s growing global customer base quick access to technical literature and region-specific information.“Our website reflects the Dow Polyurethanes integrated strategy by incorporating our polyol, isocyanate and polyurethane systems product offerings into one central, easy-to-navigate location,” said Pat Dawson, business president, Dow Polyurethanes. “As our business continues to grow, we are focused on maintaining a strong connection with our customers and finding ways to enhance their experience with Dow. We know, for instance, that some customers rely on our website for specific product information, while others are searching for application solutions. Our new website is organized with our customer’s needs and preferences in mind.”
The new website is organized by region, application and product. For example, if customers select “North America,” they are taken to a page where they can search by application or product, and can also download technical information and safety data sheets specific to that region.
For more information, visit www.dowpolyurethanes.com.