
Brussels Welcomes Adhesives & Sealants Conference

September 1, 2007
Charlemagne building. © OPT-J.P. Remy

Mont des Arts. © M. Vanhulst

The 2007 FEICA European Adhesives & Sealants Conference takes place in Brussels, Belgium, on Sept. 12-14.

The three-day conference begins on Wednesday with board meetings.

On Thursday, attendees will be greeted with an Arrival Lunch at noon, followed by the FEICA Forum. This year’s forum includes two presentations on the REACH regulation: “Will REACH be a Catalyst and Engine for Innovation? – A European Parliament Perspective,” presented by Karl-Heinz Florenz, member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; and “REACH Implementation – Building on RIPs,” presented by Otto Linher, head of Sector, REACH Unit, DG Enterprise & Industry, European Commission.

On Friday morning, a Technical and Business Track will run concurrently, followed by the exhibition. The exhibits take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Theatre.

SIDEBAR: Exhibitors (as of August 2)

Adhäsion Kleben & Dichten/GWV Fachverlage GmbH

Adhesives & Sealants Industry Magazine

Bayer MaterialScience AG


Degussa AG

EAS European Adhesives & Sealants Magazine (DMG World Media)


ifs, Technical University Braunschweig, Institute of Joining and Welding


KAISER Steel Belt Systems GmbH

Kolon Industries Inc.

TAH Europe, Inc.
