
EDITOR'S MEMO: September Startups

September 1, 2008
The monthly roundup from Editor Teresa McPherson.

We’re kicking off September with some new features on our popular Web site, www.adhesivesmag.com. In addition to the excellent editorial, breaking news and other can’t-miss features on the site, we’re rolling out a contest on the Editor’s Blog: Monday Mind Teaser.

Now that the kids are back in school, why not do something to strengthen your own brain and test your knowledge? Every Monday in September, visit our blog at www.adhesivesmag.com for a new Monday Mind Teaser to solve. When you have the answer, leave a comment on the blog with the correct answer and a comment about it. The first five players to correctly identify all four puzzles win a pocket radio player!

ASI is also looking for guest bloggers for our blog. Do you have something to say about our industry? Looking for a forum where you can discuss current trends or challenges in the adhesives and sealants industry or overall manufacturing? We’d love to hear from you! For more information, or to find out how to sign up, contact me by e-mail at mcphersont@bnpmedia.com or phone (724) 238-2209.

And while you’re on the Web site, don’t forget to check out the Product of the Day and the Editorial Online Exclusive - an editorial feature that you can’t find anywhere else.


In the July ASI article “Assembly: Advances in Structural Adhesives,” an error occurred in the table. Under 2-Part Urethanes Limitations, the phrase “low adhesion to wood” should have been omitted.
