
ASI is Going Digital (6/24/09)

June 24, 2009
A digital edition of ASI will be available with many new and useful features.

Beginning with the September issue, a digital version of each issue will be available at www.adhesivesmag.com. The digital issue will also be available by e-mail.


We’re excited to be sharing this new technology with you and know you’ll appreciate the benefits. Each digital edition will have the same look as the print issue, but offer many more features. The digital issue will be not only printable, but searchable. That means, if you want to find all instances of a certain key word, you can simply search for it and quickly find them. A thumbnail image of each page where the word appears will show up in the search results, as well as a blurb of the corresponding text. The blurb also includes hotlinks, which means that you can click on the word and go directly to that page (where the word is also highlighted).

If you provided your e-mail address with your new subscription or renewal request, you will automatically begin receiving the digital editions. Subscribers will be receiving additional information via e-mail in the next few weeks. If you’d like to continue receiving print issues, you can opt out of the digital delivery at that time.

If you’d like to switch your subscription preference from print to digital now, click here.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at mcphersont@bnpmedia.com or leave a comment below.