DuPont Announces New Organization
April 13, 2010
DuPont Sustainable Solutions
has announced the expansion and integration of its consulting services,
training, and technology products and services. The new organization will work
to transform workplaces and work cultures with services and technologies that
bring about sustained improvements in safety as well as operational and
environmental performance.
DuPont Sustainable Solutions integrates three businesses - the former DuPont Safety Resources and segments of DuPont Clean Technologies and Coastal Training Technologies - to build on DuPont knowledge, experience, technical expertise, and science-driven innovation to provide customers with smart, lasting and results-driven business solutions to remain ahead of complex business and market realities.
“Customer insights and the market have told us that growth-oriented companies consider three key attributes when selecting an external consulting partner: real-world experience, a collaborative approach, and the ability to help foster sustained transformation,” said James R. Weigand, president of DuPont Sustainable Solutions. “They are looking for solutions beyond the workplace safety consulting that DuPont has successfully provided for many years. This expanded DuPont organization brings together people, processes, technologies, and services that significantly expand our ability to help our clients meet their business objectives, and in doing so, we believe we will achieve double-digit growth over the next five years.”
For more information, visit www.sustainablesolutions.dupont.com.
DuPont Sustainable Solutions integrates three businesses - the former DuPont Safety Resources and segments of DuPont Clean Technologies and Coastal Training Technologies - to build on DuPont knowledge, experience, technical expertise, and science-driven innovation to provide customers with smart, lasting and results-driven business solutions to remain ahead of complex business and market realities.
“Customer insights and the market have told us that growth-oriented companies consider three key attributes when selecting an external consulting partner: real-world experience, a collaborative approach, and the ability to help foster sustained transformation,” said James R. Weigand, president of DuPont Sustainable Solutions. “They are looking for solutions beyond the workplace safety consulting that DuPont has successfully provided for many years. This expanded DuPont organization brings together people, processes, technologies, and services that significantly expand our ability to help our clients meet their business objectives, and in doing so, we believe we will achieve double-digit growth over the next five years.”
For more information, visit www.sustainablesolutions.dupont.com.