
China is Largest of BRIC Retail Building Construction Markets

July 3, 2012

Of all the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations, China has the largest retail building construction market, projected to grow at a 13.33% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next five years, according to “Business Opportunities in the Retail Buildings Construction Market in BRIC,” a new market research report from BRICdata. China’s retail building construction market is projected to grow at a 13.33% CAGR over the next five years. Last year, the country comprised 57.6% of the total BRIC market, followed by India (21.2% share), Russia (18.8%) and Brazil (2.4%).

In Brazil, the retail building construction market grew at a 22.26% CAGR during the review period and is expected to grow further, at a rate of 8.55% over the forecast period. One of the most significant changes observed in Brazil was a shift from the construction of smaller shopping centers to luxury malls.

The Russian and Indian retail building construction markets are projected to grow at 8.59% and 14.49% CAGRs, respectively, from 2012 to 2016.

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