PPG Begins Using Chloride-Based TiO2 from Henan Billions in Coatings Production
PPG Industries recently announced it has begun using chloride-grade titanium dioxide (TiO2) produced in commercial quantities by Henan Billions Chemicals Co. Ltd. The TiO2 is used to produce standard grades of PPG’s coatings products.
The 366,000-sq-m plant that produces the chloride-grade TiO2 is located in the Henan Province of China, and currently has capacity to produce 100,000 metric tons of chloride-grade TiO2 per year. Under an agreement established in 2012, PPG reportedly licensed certain chloride-based technologies for the manufacture of TiO2 to Henan Billions for use on a global basis.
“Our partnership with Henan Billions exemplifies PPG’s commitment to securing high-quality supplies of titanium dioxide required to support our business growth,” said Michael H. McGarry, president and CEO. “This latest accomplishment with our strategic partner Henan Billions is a milestone in our relationship.”
For more information, visit www.ppg.com.