This company is now taking orders for GC 3W, a new temperature-stable water wash solder paste from Henkel Loctite’s Game Changer Series. The solder paste reportedly combines temperature stability with the properties of high-activity flux performance. The paste formulation is halide and halogen free, offering users results in aqueous cleaning systems without the requirement for added sapoinfirers or co-solvents.
The new product reportedly provides improvements in printing and stability, reflow, cleanability, and paste management. Stencil life and abandon times are also better than previous generation water wash formulas while storage stability is extended to provide water-washable performance. Using GC 3W, post re-flow residue removal is quick and hassle free, and the window for cleaning has expanded, giving users the flexibility to clean boards up to 7 days after assembly.
For more information, visit www.ellsworthadhesives.co.uk.