
PPG: Aerospace Sealant

July 12, 2017

Reportedly, applications for chrome-free corrosion-inhibiting aerospace sealants continues to grow as aircraft manufacturers and maintenance, repair and overhaul shops report the product surpasses their process and performance expectations. Available in all three classes, PRC® PR-2870 sealant is stated to be becoming the new standard by which other corrosion-inhibiting sealants are measured.

“It is the right stuff at the right time,” said Bill Keller, PPG global market segment manager for aerospace sealants. “When we asked customers to name the properties they wanted in their sealants, first was rapid cure, and light weight was a close second. All PR-2870 sealant classes cure faster than our previous-generation corrosion-inhibiting sealant, while Classes A and B weigh as much as 30 percent less by volume.”

PR-2870 sealant for roller application (Class C) is available with 48-hour application and assembly time for large, complex aircraft structures. Like the other Class C grades, it reportedly cures 70% faster than traditional interfay sealants at ambient conditions, reducing cycle time to offer aircraft manufacturers and maintainers the potential for cost savings.

“PR-2870 Class C sealant provides the long work life and assembly time required for structural assembly, but then it achieves cure in less than half the time of older-technology sealants,” Keller said. “This will radically enhance production line efficiency.”

The proprietary PPG chrome-free corrosion-inhibiting sealant will soon be available for spray application that will enable coverage of wide areas for self-leveling fairing over countersunk fasteners and as a flexible primer under paint in areas such as wheel wheels to protect against stone chip impact.

For more information, visit www.ppgaerospace.com.




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