Editor's Memo
Susan Sutton updated Editor's Memo

Building Distributor Partnerships in the Adhesives and Sealants Industry

Strong distributor relationships can bring advanced benefits to help companies in the adhesives and sealants industry succeed.

July 1, 2019

I’ve been watching a lot of the FIFA Women’s World Cup matches, and the level of competition has really kicked up since the 2015 event. It’s great to watch experienced, well-honed teams like England and France work together with such skill and efficiency. They almost make it all look effortless. Even younger teams, like Japan, have clearly put in a lot of work together prior to the tournament: everyone knows their role, and they keep building on this mutual understanding to improve the team’s overall performance.

I can’t help but draw parallels to the successful partnerships we see between distributors, raw materials and chemicals suppliers, and manufacturers and end users in the adhesives and sealants industry. These strong, mutually beneficial relationships not only provide basic services such as product delivery and logistics assistance—when properly developed, they can bring advanced benefits such as product development and market intelligence consultation.

Toward that end, we at ASI want to help you find the best distributor(s) to suit your needs.* Our annual Distributor Directory is organized by region. Distributor contact information is provided, and descriptions detail each company’s offerings.

You’ll also want to be sure to refer to the online version of the Distributor Directory at www.adhesivesmag.com/distributordirectory. Online details include listings of the companies that the distributors represent, as well as extras for certain companies.

While our staff made every effort to contact the entire community of suppliers to our industry, we may have inadvertently missed some. If you are a distributor and would like to be included online or in next year’s Distributor Directory, please contact AnnaMarie McCann at (610) 436-4220, ext. 8518, or mccanna@bnpmedia.com.

How does your company cultivate teamwork and partnerships? Please contact me at (248) 786-1704 or suttons@bnpmedia.comto share your story.


*Supplier listings indicate paid advertising. For pricing and additional details, contact AnnaMarie McCann at mccanna@bnpmedia.com or (610) 436-4220, ext. 8518.