
AkzoNobel Partners with Midwest Outdoor Marketing to Deliver Enhanced Support for Yacht Coatings

As of January 1, 2020, with the support of independent manufacturers’ representative group Midwest Outdoor Marketing, yacht professionals and retailers across the Midwest will receive enhanced service levels and additional support.

January 23, 2020

AkzoNobel and Midwest Outdoor Marketing recently announced a new partnership to enhance service levels for yacht coatings customers in the Midwestern U.S. As of January 1, 2020, with the support of independent manufacturers’ representative group Midwest Outdoor Marketing, yacht professionals and retailers across the Midwest will receive enhanced service levels and additional support as part of AkzoNobel’s Awlgrip® and Interlux® yacht coatings offerings.

“With four representatives across 14 states in the Midwest, each strategically located to best serve the surrounding areas, Midwest Outdoor Marketing personnel are well positioned to reach and support AkzoNobel’s existing and potential new customers in the region,” said Jim Hannan, president of Midwest Outdoor Marketing. “Awlgrip and Interlux are the first coatings range we have represented, so we are excited to branch out into this new area of the industry.”

“Partnering with Midwest Outdoor Marketing is a great opportunity for both ourselves and our customers,” said Andrew Lillos, U.S. Northern sales manager for yacht coatings at AkzoNobel. “By increasing our presence, this partnership will allow us to better serve our existing customers in the Midwest, as well as forge new and exciting partnerships throughout the region. We look forward to enhancing our customer experience with the support of Midwest Outdoor Marketing.”

For further information, visit www.akzonobel.com and www.momarketing.com.