INVISUTM 7007 waterborne adhesive from Dow addresses label recycling demands while expanding the possibilities of label performance. INVISUTM 7007 performs like currently available high-performing general purpose filmic label (GPFL) adhesives, while allowing for better recycling. As shown in testing trials, the adhesive allows for polyolefin-based (PE, PP) filmic labels to be separated during recycling in the washing step and to produce pure flakes for new materials.

INVISUTM 7007 received recognition from the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) as meeting or exceeding its critical guidance protocol for the recycling of clear PET articles with filmic labels and closures. APR’s Critical Guidance Recognition is a widely accepted recyclability assessment for plastics packaging and is granted to companies whose products solve challenges in sustainable package design.

“Converters need reliable label solutions for efficient adhesion and high-speed production, while recyclers want as pure recycling outcomes as possible to increase their yields,” said David Keely, application technology leader, Adhesives at Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics. “When more applications are being made recyclable and better recycling outcomes are achieved, recycling rates will increase, fewer fossil fuels be needed, and everyone will benefit.”

To learn more, visit and find Dow at Labelexpo Europe, September 2023.