The iGM Resins facility located in Mortara, Italy has implemented measures to move towards a greener and more environmentally responsible future. With a commitment to sustainability, iGM has undertaken significant measures aimed at reducing its environmental impact, including elimination of PCBs in all products, the implementation of Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), and investments in reducing the facility’s carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint. These initiatives are not just goals, but fundamental principles that drive daily operations.

All photoinitiators produced in Mortara, owing to its specific and advanced manufacturing process, do not contain any detectable levels of PCBs. As the only European production location of photoinitiators, iGM guarantees the highest standards when it comes to quality, safety, health, and the environment. 

Another step towards sustainability is completing the LCAs of Omnirad™ 819, Omnirad™ 1173, and Omnirad™ 184 from the Mortara plant. An LCA is a detailed report to assess the environmental impact of products from cradle-to-gate. Together with an independent expert company and accredited certification organization, iGM Resins has established accurate and comprehensive LCA’s. The LCA study, modeling, and reporting have been audited by an independent third-party according to the rules set out in the international standards ISO 14044 and ISO 14040. LCAs can provide clarity and insights for customers and can identify areas where there are opportunities to improve sustainability performance.

Additionally, it is important to take into consideration that UV technology saves substantial energy downstream compared to solvent and waterborne alternatives, helping end users to improve their carbon footprint.

As part of iGM’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, it is making substantial investments in water and electricity consumption. By implementing advanced technologies and efficient processes, iGM can minimize its water consumption to reduce environmental impact and ensure the responsible use of this vital resource.

Solar panels have been installed at the facility. This renewable energy source not only helps to reduce reliance on fossil fuels but also contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future. By harnessing the power of the sun of Italy, iGM is taking proactive steps towards mitigating its CO2 emissions.

“As the reliable and responsible business partner driving the UV industry, our commitment is to provide the market with sustainable solutions to guarantee the future of our industry,” said Wilfrid Gambade, CEO, IGM Resins.

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