Specialty chemicals provider Nouryon published its fifth annual sustainability report, themed "Essential Solutions, Sustainable Future," highlighting the advancements in its portfolio of sustainable solutions in addition to its safety and environmental performance. The report details the strides Nouryon took during the year to deliver on its goal of offering companies essential solutions for a sustainable future.

Among the highlights for 2023, Nouryon reports that the company delivered strong safety performance. From 2019 to 2023, its process safety incident rate decreased 78%, and its OSHA Incident Rate (OIR) decreased 3%, maintaining the company’s top quartile people safety performance (based on annual Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable injury rates versus chemical industry peers in the American Chemistry Council).

In 2023, the company expanded its portfolio of sustainable solutions with 74% of the company’s R&D product pipeline (the scope of the Eco-Solutions metric includes all active New Product Introduction projects in stages 3 [creation], or 4 [scale-up], and excludes stages 1 [screening], 2 [feasibility], and 5 [launch and monitor]) was focused on solutions with a sustainability benefit, and 32% of 2023 revenue was derived from Nouryon’s portfolio of Eco-Premium Solutions (products that offer significant sustainability benefits over mainstream alternatives in the market while providing the same or better functionality). Key sustainable solutions launched in the year include antimicrobial active Triameen® Y12D, Kromasil® 100A diC4 spherical silica, Berol® Nexxt surfactant, and Dissolvine® GL Premium chelating agent. Additionally, Nouryon achieved the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification standard ISCC PLUS for green monochloroacetic acid (MCA) production at its Delfzijl site in the Netherlands.

Nouryon advanced environmental performance through greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and the transition to energy from renewable sources: The company achieved a 14% reduction in total absolute Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions between 2019 and 2023. In 2023, 54% of its total electricity consumption was derived from renewable and low-carbon sources, compared to 50% in 2022.

In 2023, Nouron was recognized for global climate leadership with A- score for global climate leadership from CDP and a Gold rating from EcoVadis: The CDP recognizes the company’s progress in implementing current best practices in sustainability targets, value chain engagement, and opportunity disclosures. The EcoVadis Gold rating places Nouryon in the top 5% of companies rated by EcoVadis.

Nouryon assessed 66% of supplier spend using the EcoVadis platform, an increase of 6% versus the previous year. The company also continued to evaluate suppliers for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) risks resulting in 90% of supplier spend being assessed using the EcoVadis Risk IQ tool. Additionally, the company joined Together for Sustainability (TfS), a global coalition of 53 chemical companies dedicated to improving sustainability practices across the chemical industry. 

“At Nouryon, our ability to adapt and innovate for our customers, and collaborate closely with other business partners, has served as a foundation for our leading safety, sustainability, and financial performance within our industry,” said Charlie Shaver, chairman and CEO of Nouryon. “Our dedicated efforts last year resulted in progress across multiple areas of our sustainability commitment, including top-quartile safety performance, the continued reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and the expansion of our sustainable solutions portfolio.”

The report reflects Nouryon’s transparent approach to data disclosure and includes metrics with reference to GRI and in alignment with SASB disclosure standards. Additionally, the company has reported to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). 

 “We are pleased with the sustainability progress that we have outlined in our most recent report,” said Vivi Hollertt, Nouryon chief sustainability and communications officer. “We appreciate the close partnerships with our customers, suppliers, and other business partners, as well as the contributions from colleagues around the world that advanced our progress over the past years. We are proud of the climate leadership recognition we received from CDP and for being in the top 5 percent of companies then rated by EcoVadis.”

Learn more about Nouryon’s sustainability report at www.nouryon.com.