Alexander Watson Associates (AWA), an international market intelligence and business insight services company, has released a market report on the pressure-sensitive label market. The report predicts a turnaround in the market for pressure-sensitive labels, with a positive outlook for the future. 

According to the report, the overall pressure-sensitive Label market experienced a slowdown in 2023 of -8.4%. This slowdown was mainly driven by the sharp decline experienced in the European and North American markets, especially in the year’s first half. 

The Pressure-sensitive Label Industry faced many challenges last year, including an inventory build-up at various levels of the supply chain. However, the slightly brighter outlook suggests optimism about the capacity for recovery and growth in the coming quarters.

All of these aspects are comprehensively analyzed in the AWA Pressure-sensitive Label Market Report 2024. The report looks at the market from an application category, end-use segment, and facestock material perspective, while diving into each region and sub-region separately.

Learn more about Alexander Watson Associates at Additional information about the report is available here