This year’s conference will also feature a one-day course on September 26 focusing on Fundamentals of Adhesive Bonding. This course will highlight a broad-based foundation in adhesives technology. A two-day course, Assembly Plant Layout, will be held September 26-27. The course will highlight the methods used by world-class manufacturing and assembly plants to optimize their plant layouts.
At press time, there were still some opportunities for speakers to participate at this year’s event. Suggested topics include: Metal Bonding; Wood Bonding; Plastic Bonding; Hot Melt Adhesives; Pressure Sensitive Adhesives; Adhesives for Specific Industry Uses; Testing/Standards/ Quality; New Applications and Technology Breakthroughs; Automotive Issues; Future Trends; Dispensing; and Case Studies.
For more information on attending or speaking at Adhesives 2000, contact Eva Bock, conference manager, at 313-271-1500, ext. 2133, or