WASHINGTON – The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA) has released the Responsible Care® Initiative: Interactive CD-ROM package based on its popular guidance materials. Performance improvement experts at SOCMA designed the package, which includes the association’s Responsible Care guides for each of the six Codes of Management Practices.

Developed in partnership with Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa, the package contains more than 300 customizable tools. The program is indexed to allow easy access to all tools in the codes and the flexibility for customizing a program to fit company operations. The interactive program also includes a self-evaluation tracking database system for each of the codes.

For more information, contact Kendall/Hunt customer service at 800-228-0810, or visit the company’s Web site at www.kendallhunt.com (refer to SOCMA Responsible Care Initiative, ISBN 0-7872-5846-6). For more information on SOCMA’s Responsible Care and Performance Improvement initiatives, call 202-721-4100, or visit www.socma.com.
