H.B. Fuller Co. has enhanced its microsite with five additional languages - German, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French and
H.B. Fuller Co. has enhanced
its microsite atwww.HBFullerStrength.comwith five additional languages - German, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French and
Italian. Originally launched in English in Sept. of 2009, the site’s expansion
reflects H.B. Fuller’s global reach and extensive capabilities in North
America, Latin America, EMIEA, and Asia
www.HBFullerStrength.comis a resource for product developers and manufacturers to learn about the
people, products, and processes involved in developing H.B. Fuller’s adhesive
formulations. Visitors can learn more about H.B. Fuller’s strength in innovation,
performance and knowledge by reading case studies, downloading a capabilities
brochure, engaging in discussions on the site’s blog, or signing up to follow
H.B. Fuller atwww.twitter.com/GlueTalk.