MAPEI Announces New President (6/4/09)
Dr. Giorgio Squinzi, CEO of the MAPEI Group, recently announced that Luigi Di Geso has been named president and CEO of MAPEI Americas. Di Geso has been in the MAPEI family for almost 10 years, most recently holding the position of the General Manager for Mapei Inc. in Canada.
Di Geso joined Mapei Inc. in October 2000 as the Regional Sales Manager for Eastern Canada and has held progressively responsible positions within the company, resulting in his promotion to General Manager of Mapei Inc. in 2004. In that role, he managed all aspects of Canada’s business, including operations and sales functions, and had responsibility for overall profitability of Canada. Di Geso received his Bachelor of Commerce Degree from Concordia University, with a major in Marketing and a minor in Accounting.
“We feel that placing Mr. Di Geso at the head of the MAPEI Americas business unit will strengthen its relationship with MAPEI Group, a strategic move during the difficult economic times we are currently experiencing,” Squinzi said. “We have an especially strong business team in the Americas, and Mr. Di Geso will build on that strength to position MAPEI as an overall leader in the manufacture of materials for construction and the flooring industry in the Americas.” There will be no changes in the organizational structure under Di Geso. He is supported by a well-integrated group of employees in research and development, operations, technical services, marketing and sales.
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