It’s summertime! The season for family barbecues and reunions, block parties, pool parties, and impromptu get-togethers at the local park. Hopefully the weather is cooperating and you’re able to take some time to relax and enjoy what is arguably the most social season of the year.
Even during work hours, new technologies enable all of us to have a “social” experience while remaining productive. Here at ASI, we’re dedicated to providing you with the information you need to succeed—in whatever way you prefer. To that end, we continue to grow our social media presence via LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. We use social media to share news and feature stories, facilitate discussions, and help readers stay abreast of industry trends. Thank you to everyone who has connected with ASI through these various social media channels. If you haven’t yet taken the plunge, don’t worry, it’s easy—simply visit our Get Connected page at
To help connect manufacturers with the appropriate distributor partner, this issue of ASI includes our third annual Distributor Directory. This year-long reference tool is organized by region to help you quickly locate a distributor in your area. Distributor listings include company contact information, including address, phone, fax, email, website and key contacts, as well as a description of the company’s offerings.* Many listings also include details regarding the companies that the distributor represents.
The Distributor Directory is a work in progress, and we’d love to hear your comments. Please contact me at (330) 336-4098 or with your suggestions.
*Supplier listings indicate paid advertising. Contact Peg Van Winkle at for pricing and additional details.