This company has introduced dual-simultaneous programmable pitch on its Select Coat® SL-940 conformal coating system. This new feature reportedly allows two of the same conformal coating applicators to be installed and operated simultaneously, coating two parts at the same time. The motorized system reportedly automatically repositions the applicators to match the programmed pitch, eliminating the setup time normally required during changeover, which speeds up the conformal coating process and makes it more accurate and repeatable.

The system reportedly reduces conformal coating process time by 50% and virtually doubles throughput performance, especially for high tack time conformal coating processes or when multi-up panelized or patterned parts with consistent spacing are used. This especially benefits automated high-mix production environments. The pitch is programmed and will adjust automatically. Unlike a manual bracket where the operator must reposition the applicator pitch at each changeover, programmable pitch can eliminate operator dependency in adjusting the pitch for a specific part. This can enhance quality and eliminate setup time due to adjustments and validation.

“Having two valves operating simultaneously is definitely an advantage when coating, but having a system that automatically adjusts the pitch, so the system can make these adjustments on its own, really improves speed, throughput, consistency, and reliability,” said Per Orla Jensen, product manager. “It eliminates operator dependencies and reduces manufacturing costs.”

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