I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the past year or so just gazing around in bewilderment and mumbling, to no one in particular, “What is going on?” Global pandemic. Economic upheaval. Catastrophic weather events. What’s that you say? There’s a massive boat blocking the Suez Canal? Of course there is.

In an effort to better understand the state of the adhesive and sealant industry in this chaotic environment, I reached out to industry leaders and asked them about issues related to the supply chain, market opportunities, digitalization, sustainability, and more. I find their perspectives fascinating, and I think you will, too. Please explore “Industry Roundtable: Key Players in the Adhesive and Sealant Industry Share their Insights.”

This issue also includes the ever-popular annual ASI Top 20 listing of the leading worldwide manufacturers of adhesives, sealants, and related products. To develop these rankings, we reached out to manufacturers and requested details such as sales figures pertaining specifically to their adhesives and sealants-related business. In addition to the figures supplied by these companies, we looked to secondary sources like annual reports and press releases to collect supplementary relevant information.

I would like to personally thank the companies that supplied their details in this effort. We really can’t do this without you! Your input helps ensure the accuracy of the ranking and makes it a go-to resource for the entire industry.

If you would like your company to be considered for inclusion in next year’s ASI Top 20, please don’t hesitate to contact me. In cases where manufacturers chose not to provide industry-specific information and we weren’t able to gather enough data from additional sources in order to make reasonable estimates, those companies unfortunately had to be left out of the ranking.

How do your experiences compare to those of our Industry Roundtable participants? What are your thoughts on the 2021 ASI Top 20? Please contact me at (248) 786-1704 or suttons@bnpmedia.com to share your insights and feedback.