For seven consecutive years, Dow has placed on Fair360’s top companies list, an external validator for U.S. employers that model fairness in their talent strategies, workplace and supplier diversity practices, and philanthropic engagement.
Recognized at the Productronica China tradeshow, the new ASYMTEK Select Coat® SL-1040 Conformal Coating System elevates coating performance with improved yield and uptime for automotive electronics reliability.
The award recognizes high employee engagement and notable workplace experience. PPG received this award for embedding involvement and enthusiasm in its workplace culture to improve employee experience.
The Chemours Co. has received two awards from the DOE's Better Buildings, Better Plants initiative that recognize accomplishments in energy efficiency, decarbonization, water efficiency, or waste reduction projects or practices.
AJ Adhesives Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, recently ranked as the 50th fastest growing privately held company on the St. Louis Business Journal’s St. Louis’ Top 150.