The Dow Chemical Co. recently announced it is planning to expand its cellulosic production capacity, particularly for construction-grade applications, with a geographic focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
The global market for renewable energy devices and advanced materials was valued at nearly $22.3 billion for 2011, according to “Advanced Materials and Devices for Renewable Energy: Global Markets.”
The company has undertaken a strategic initiative with multiple global suppliers to secure and enhance its supply of titanium dioxide, as well as add to the global supply of the raw material.
Emerald Kalama Chemical, a division of Emerald Performance Materials LLC, recently announced it has entered into an agreement with CRITERION Representação, Participações e Consultoria Ltda.
Duct tape is useful for all kinds of household repairs, but can it be used in fashion accessories? Two teenagers from Langhorne, Pa., have started a business making and selling
Emerald Performance Materials has named Robert L. Culp Jr. its new vice president of Procurement and Chris O’Neil vice president of Information Technology.
China is the biggest country in terms of titanium dioxide production and consumption, according to Research and Markets’ new “Survey of Titanium Dioxide in China, Sixth Edition.”