Felix Schoeller has officially announced its new corporate brand. The relaunch includes a new global design and a uniform appearance to the company’s brand.
The Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA) announced its 2023 board of governors, including six new board members and a new slate of executive officers.
It is the first world-scale production plant for chlorine based upon the ODC (oxygen depolarized cathode) technology invented by Covestro and its partners.
The manufacturer is expected to report 2022 sales of approximately $140 million, and the acquisition will bring Stahl’s annual sales beyond the €1 billion mark, with an EBITDA margin above 20%.
3M premiered a new documentary film, "Skilled," to celebrate the skilled trades and break down stereotypes that may prevent people from pursuing these vital careers.
Stahl enters the adhesive and bonding market as the company leverages its expertise in elastomer coatings to focus on applications in the automotive industry.
Specialty coatings provider Stahl announced last October that the company was expanding into the adhesive and bonding segments when it announced the launch of the RelcaBond® brand.
Arkema announced a partnership with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Université de Haute-Alsace to inaugurate a new lab at the Mulhouse Institute of Materials Science.