In 2001, the trucking industry experienced some major problems when increased pollution controls raised under-hood temperatures and caused failures in big rigs, specifically in the tractor-trailers’ turbocharger systems.
This company recently introduced MACcopy® Jr. for customers interested in purchasing shorter rolls of label stock for roll-fed laser printing on color digital presses. The labelstock reportedly offers exceptional print quality and superior toner anchorage.
FireBlock Foam-N-Fill recently received an evaluation report from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) providing evidence that the polyurethane foam meets code requirements.
The newest surface-insensitive Loctite® instant adhesives can reportedly maintain their bond strength in operating temperatures as high as 250ºF, yet fixture in 15 seconds or less.
QUESTION: We use cyanoacrylate adhesives in several assembly operations, but we are reluctant to use them for parts that might be used outdoors. What do you recommend?