The sale is expected to close before the end of 2016.
May 11, 2016
Air Products recently announced it has signed a definitive agreement to sell the Performance Materials Division (PMD) of its Materials Technologies segment to Evonik Industries AG for $3.8 billion in cash.
The sale reportedly involves five of the company’s nine plants.
May 9, 2016
Emerald Performance Materials LLC recently announced it has reached an agreement to sell its Emerald Specialties and Polymer Additives and Nitriles business groups to DyStar LP.
A comparative analysis of leading chemical assessment tools found that, when evaluating the same chemical, individual tools come to different conclusions regarding the hazard categorization of each chemical.
May 9, 2016
Such discrepancies may call into question the extent to which such tools can provide definitive and actionable information about chemical substances in consumer products without further analysis and contextual information.
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s (OEEHA) new website could create more confusion for the public at the expense of those doing business in California.
California regulators are at it again. In the name of providing transparency for consumers, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEEHA) may be on the brink of creating more confusion for the public―at the expense of those doing business in the state.
What types of chemical structures could be built into a polyurethane adhesive to optimize heat resistance? Can you make any formulation recommendations?
I've just returned from the Spring Adhesive and Sealant Council Spring Convention and Expo, and noticed something that I don’t remember seeing as often at past industry events I’ve attended.