New Orleans is a study in contrasts. From boozy Bourbon Street and the mansions of the Garden District, to the various voodoo, literary, and culinary tours, New Orleans has many personalities.
Anyone who has read even a few of my previous columns knows I have a cynical streak. I could blame it on my 30 years spent in Washington, D.C., but I suspect I’ve always been a “glass half empty” sort of guy. However, I have now seen that miracles can happen and I have to believe what took place in the Senate with the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) reform bill just before year’s end qualifies.
Electronic devices are everywhere nowadays,―from the touchscreen checkout monitors at the local library and grocery store to car dashboard navigation systems and communications―applications that we wouldn’t have dreamed could exist just a couple decades ago.
The beginning of a new year has long been time to reflect on the past year and make plans for a fresh start.
January 4, 2016
The beginning of a new year has long been time to reflect on the past year and make plans for a fresh start. For me, that fresh start came a bit early, as my computer’s hard drive decided to fail during the production of this issue.
Welcome to ASI’s annual Buyers’ Guide, a purchasing and applications resource for raw materials, equipment and services used to manufacture adhesives and sealants, pressure sensitives, and adhesives and sealants products such as tapes and labels.
Most readers are familiar with the term “collateral damage.” It is generally described as a situation in which injury is inflicted on something other than an intended target.