This company’s protective and marine coatings business has introduced coatings for petrochemical and biofuel storage tank lining applications in the U.S.
According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than 145,000 people work in over 7,000 warehouses, and the fatal injury rate for the warehousing industry is higher than the national average for all injuries.
Adhesives and sealants formulators can visit this company’s new website for comprehensive information about elastomers, polymers, solvents, and other products.
SCS AdPro Poly® was engineered to solve the adhesion challenges of many polymeric materials, including polyimide substrates, enabling parylene coatings to provide long-term reliability and protection.
NeoCryl™ B-300 is a patented inert solid acrylic resin that can obtain enhanced adhesion properties to plastic substrates to which adhesion is difficult to obtain.
Priamine 1075 is a high-purity dimer diamine that can be used as a bio-based modifier of polyamide plastics or co-polyamide elastomers to make them flexible, even at low temperatures.