UV LED curing refers to a technique that uses “energy” output from the light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum to treat coatings, adhesives, inks and other UV-curable materials.
Next month, the American Coatings Show and the Adhesive and Sealant Council Spring Convention and Expo will draw thousands of key players in the global adhesives, sealants, and coatings industries to Atlanta and Orlando, respectively.
On a daily basis, television, newspaper, and radio fill their programming with “experts” who are all too eager to prognosticate where the stock market will be in 12 months, how quickly the sea will rise in the next 100 years, or who will win the Super Bowl and why.
One never gets a full 100% cure of these thermoset systems at relatively low temperatures because molecular mobility goes down dramatically as the adhesive increases in viscosity during curing.