2/27/2009 Many of us start the day with a cup of coffee and....
Many of us start the day with a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper (myself included). Even on the weekend, my morning is nothing but a sleepy fog until I've had my fix of caffeine.
Curious how other people start (and manage) their day? Check out these daily routines, including those of President Obama, Stephen King, and many famous authors. http://dailyroutines.typepad.com/daily_routines/
How do you start your day?
Friday's Find: Daily Routines (2/27/09)
February 27, 2009
Teresa McPherson was the former Editor of Adhesives & Sealants Industry. She has held several editorial positions during her more than 20 years with BNP Media. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from Eastern Michigan University.