I was thinking of writing something for this blog about how
the collapse of one (or all) of the Big Three could impact the adhesives and
sealants industry when I happened upon the following article from the Nov. 2008
issue ofASIconcerning the U.S. demand for
automotive coatings, adhesives and sealants, which is expected to reach $5.3
billion in 2012:
While I concede that it is somewhat unusual to `happen upon’ an article that
your own magazine published barely a month ago, I maintain that that’s exactly
what happened: I opened the Nov. 2008 issue and – BOOM! Fascinating stuff…but
will the numbers projected in the article hold up if even one of the Big Three
auto manufacturers goes under?
Once you’ve read the article, be sure to come back and share your thoughts below.
Motoring Ahead of Ourselves?
By Brian Hayes
December 8, 2008
Managing Editor