As a consumer, are you willing to pay more for “green” products? See what our E-News readers said and leave your comments.

As a consumer, are you willing to pay more for “green” products?

Yes: 14%

No: 50%

Sometimes: 36%



“Green products should be equal or less than non green products.”


There will be an eventual conversion to sustainable materials as time goes on, making only the "green" product available. I will wait for this process to run its course.”


“Depends on the product and the end use.”


“’Green’ products often have much more waste, labor cost, and energy requirements than “non-green” products. The world would starve if all products, including food, were ‘green’.”


“Only if “carbon footprint” info is included with benefit of switching.”


Most green products are a scam. For example, compact fluorescent light bulbs and LED lights are sold as green products. They are not green. Compact fluorescent light bulbs are made with mercury and LED light bulbs are made with Gallium arsenide.”


“Slightly more for a green product is acceptable.”


“As long as they are significantly green.”


“Only if it's based on raw materials that I am selling.”


“I feel it's a scheme to make consumers spend more money. We should look in our cupboards at home...recycle ourselves, and use natural products for cleaning...which costs much less.”


“Pricing for “green products” still need to be competitive, then I'll buy them.”


“If the product can't stand on its' own, green or otherwise, we won't buy it. Green products that we have observed are just old products in a new package with a new name and a higher price.”