Italy, Europe’s third-largest economy, is dealing with massive government debt. Do you believe the United States should join in bailout efforts of Italy?

Italy, Europe’s third-largest economy, is dealing with massive government debt. Do you believe the United States should join in bailout efforts of Italy?


No: 88%

Yes: 9%

Maybe/Unsure: 3%



“Italians need to learn to budget their income for a balanced spending. Spending more than they can afford is not wise. And wanting a good living but not believing in the hard work is not responsible.”


“They need to get their own house in order before I agree to give them assistance”


“Absolutely not! We have our own huge debt. Let the Italians, the Greeks and all the rest of the world fend for themselves. It may be a global economy, but the U.S. can't afford to be a welfare agency for the rest of the world!”


“Not until we significantly reduce our foreign aid!”


USA created the problem - through JP Morgan, etc.”