Last week, readers were most drawn to news from tesa regarding a new sustainability report and the appointment of a chief sustainability officer (tesa Publishes Sustainability Report and Appoints Röber Chief Sustainability Officer): “tesa recently released its 2020 Sustainability Report, which presents its agenda for greater sustainability. The company reports that it considers sustainable action, production, and management essential aspects of its strategic perspective and has once again increased its efforts accordingly. Last year, tesa hailed ‘sustainable growth’ as a key component of its corporate strategy. The core element is the new Sustainability Agenda, which serves as a blueprint to align the tesa business responsibly as well as holistically along the entire value chain. Subdivided into three areas (Environment, Customers, and Society), the agenda contains specific goals and measures that are explained in the 48-page Sustainability Report 2020.
“‘We’ve come a good step closer to our goal of operating climate-neutrally by 2050: Between 2018 and 2020, we managed to reduce our energy-related CO2 emissions by 23%,’ said Norman Goldberg, Ph.D., CEO of tesa SE. ‘Since the end of 2020, all tesa offices and production locations worldwide receive 100% of their electricity from renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy or hydropower. Moreover, in 2020 we joined the initiative Business Ambition for 1.5°C.’”
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